ArCADia BIM is an open system. ArCADia is compliant with the IFC standard, making it possible for ArCADIA BIM industry modules to exchange data with third-party software such as ArchiCAD, Allplan, or Revit. The component responsible for this data exchange is the ArCADia-IFC module. This program allows you to import architectural building blocks into IFC formulations (eg from Revit and ArchiCAD) by converting objects (walls, ceilings) into ArCADia BIM components. When importing a project with installations and external networks, the components of these installations are loaded as 3D objects with properties information. The program exports ArCADia BIM projects in IFC format by exporting architectural building blocks and installation elements and external networks. If the project was properly created and exported, Imported objects from the IFC file are converted to ArCADia BIM elements or 3D objects with property information. If the objects do not conform to the assumption of the system (eg, all floors of all floors will be created on one floor), they may not be imported at the time of import.