Cloudflare Performance
Cloudflare Performance Services accelerate applications, improve mobile delivery,
and ensure availability for Internet properties.
Increasing Performance Pressures
These three primary trends — higher customer expectations, the rise of mobile, and accelerated globalization of customers and audiences — have increased the performance challenge of ensuring higher conversions, improved engagement, and reduced costs.
Accelerate Internet Applications
Heavy pages and long distance from the origin slow down webpages, applications and APIs.
Deliver fast, rich user experiences for Internet applications that optimize engagement, increase conversions, and reduce costs.
Accelerate Mobile Experiences
Mobile clients introduce performance and content delivery constraints which hurt user experiences. Deliver fast mobile experiences that increase engagement and conversions, regardless of distance to origin servers, device types, or network health.

Ensure Application Availability
Overloaded or unavailable infrastructure prevents users from accessing applications. Keep Internet applications fast, available,
and scalable, even during unexpected traffic spikes or infrastructure outages.
Cloudflare Performance Benefits
Cloudflare’s global Anycast network of 180 data centers across 80 countries reduces latency and time to first byte by delivering content closer to visitors. Cloudflare’s size and distribution of interconnects offers fast, reliable content delivery throughout the world.
Setting up Cloudflare takes as little as 5 minutes. The easy-to-use dashboard enables quick configuration of fine-grained functionalities to improve the performance of Internet applications and APIs.
- Integrated Security & Performance
Cloudflare includes integrated security services to defend against DDoS attacks, customer data breaches, and abusive bots, while preventing performance trade-offs.
Cloudflare Security Solutions
Cloudflare Security Services protect and secure websites, applications and APIs against denial-of-service attacks,
customer data compromise, and abusive bots.
Increasing Internet Security Pressures
Websites and applications require the resilience and intelligence of a scalable network to combat the biggest and newest attacks. It’s important to ensure that performance is never sacrificed for security and that systems have easy setup and configuration, avoiding configuration errors which can introduce security vulnerabilities.

Mitigate DDoS Attacks
Protect applications, websites, and APIs from malicious traffic targeting network and application layers, to maintain availability and performance,
while containing operating costs.
Prevent Customer Data Breach
Prevent attackers from compromising sensitive customer data, such as user credentials, credit card information, and other personally identifiable information.

Block abusive bots
Block abusive bots from damaging Internet properties through content scraping,
fraudulent checkout, and account takeover.
Cloudflare Performance Benefits
Cloudflare’s 180 data center Anycast network with 30 Tbps capacity can defend against volumetric attacks 15x bigger than the largest DDoS attack ever recorded. By observing over 10 trillion requests per month — Internet requests for ~10% of the Fortune 1,000 run through Cloudflare’s network — Cloudflare proactively defends against threats by learning from attacks targeting 18,000,000 Internet properties on its network.
Setting up Cloudflare takes as little as 5 minutes. Cloudflare’s ease of use enables companies to expand Internet security policy responsibilities across more employees, reduce time to deploy new policies, and improve timely adjustments to the security posture of complex applications.
- Integrated Security & Performance
Cloudflare removes the need to sacrifice performance for security. Instead of decreasing performance, Cloudflare’s security features can increase application performance because of low-latency security services integrated with traffic acceleration.