INTERsoft-INTELLICAD is a breakthrough version of the CAD software for creating 2D and 3D technical documentation, which has been in existence for years. It has powerful tools for precise drawing. The new graphics interface ensures intuitive work and does not interfere in the CAD designer’s habits. The software has a wide range of features for saving and loading DWG files, from the oldest 2.5 version to the currently latest DWG 2013 format. INTERsoft-INTELLICAD works with numerous volumes, such as: StalCAD, ŻelbetCAD, InstalCAD, INTERsoft-PRZEDMIAR, including modules of the ArCADia system for creating a comprehensive BIM model.
Working on layers, command line, full setting personalization (commands, toolbars, shortcuts and aliases, the option to import lines, hatching and dimensioning styles are the basic features of the software. Moreover, it allows the development and modification of 2D and 3D documentation, loading raster bases (BMP, JPG, TIF and PNG), description with TrueType or SHX fonts, linear and angular dimensioning with style recording, saving and handling solids (also with attributes), loading applications saved in LISP and SDS. There is an option to work with textures, lighting and to create renderings in 3D documents.

“Ladies and Gentlemen,
we have been a member of the IntelliCAD Technology Consortium (ITC) since 2002. The participants of this non-profit venture fund and oversee the development of the CAD software, which was the first real alternative to the AutoCAD software. We alone also develop and share IT solutions, which are implemented into the common source code.
Most of the companies, including ours, use this tool as a graphics engine in their own, specialist applications. Our flagship product, the multidisciplinary ArCADia BIM system also utilizes IntelliCAD solutions.
Development on the basis of the BIM technology is, without a doubt, the inevitable future of the construction industry, however, as we have seen, the need to use simple and universal CAD tool is forever present. Trying to satisfy this need, we developed the INTERsoft-INTELLICAD software. As a software developer, we can not only shape that application but also set its price, which is why, especially for Polish engineers, we established favourable purchase conditions.
By buying this solution, you are opening for yourselves the path to an easy transition into the world of BIM technology, when you deem it appropriate.”
Jarosław Chudzik
President of INTERsoft & ArCADiasoft
- Creating 2D and 3D drawings by drawing and complete modification of all elements.
- The possibility to read ACIS solids (without the ability to create and fully edit).
- The option of photo-realistic visualization and rendering New drawing option with Multilines.
- Reading and editing bitmap images (e.g. geodesic backgrounds) such as: JPG, TIF, BMP, GIF and PNG files.
- Insertion and definition of libraries of symbols, blocks, simple and complex texts (SHX and True Type fonts).
- Dimensioning assigned to items: line and angle, the possibility to create user styles.
- Precise printing by defining all print parameters.
- Automatic measuring of distances, areas and the setting of coordinates.
- Exporting to PDF files.
- Exporting to STL files.
- A wide range of hatching styles.
- Direct access to help for programmers from the help menu.
- Direct access to the user manual from the help menu.
- Support for visual styles.
- Extensive dimension styles.
- The paper space handles non-square views.
- The possibility to display print styles in the paper space.
- Support for combined dimensioning.
- Support for relative paths for images and external links.
- Improved handling of blocks, views, dimensions and text styles.
- Multiple windows can be opened with various views and layout.
- INTERsoft-INTELLICAD handles the DWG format without any conversion, that is drawings produced in AutoCAD are read and saved without any distortions.
- Reading and saving drawings in AutoCAD format from 2.5 to 2013.
- Drawing in the hidden lines and shading mode in real time.
- Displaying of hatching with gradients.
- Non-square views.
- Proxy in blocks and external links.
- Displaying ADT and Civil 3D objects.
- Support for DWF and DGN formats.
- Grid, orthogonal drawing functions, polar tracking.
- Enhanced recognition of snapping points (base), e.g. for lines – centre, end points and line intersection points.
- Check and repair corrupted drawing function.
- Navigation in projects, their visualisation is possible owing to all modes of zoom, regeneration and panning of drawings, as well as dynamic rotation of 3D objects.
- Command lines and their execution, full compliance with file formats (DWG, DWF, DWT and DXF).
- Working in layers.
- Explorer similar to the Design Center.
- Working in Cartesian and polar coordinates.
- Dimensioning and text styles.
- Holders, attributes, hatching.
- Precise drawing functions and snapping points (ESNAP), drawing mode (ORTO), etc.
- Possibility to import lines and dimensioning styles.
- Docked properties panel.
- Modification of the top menu, toolbars, command status bar and shortcuts.
- Working screen configuration: the colour and cross-hairs size, etc.
- Implemented LISP programming language interpreter enables the reading of applications written in this language.
- Additional program functions can be extended by reading SDS overlays.
- Drop-down menus support relocated commands and display of icons.
- Docked properties panel.
- INTERsoft-INTELLICAD Explorer offers 24-bit icons, support for layers and multi-selections, icons in lists and simplicity of operation.
- Support for device selection directly from the status bar.
- ArCADiasoft is a member of the ITC. Some IntelliCAD 8 source codes have been used in the program.